We had a very full day 2 so I’m just gonna hit the highlights and let the photos speak for themselves.
We left the hotel at 8:30 on a boda to exchange money at the
bank. Touched base with Fount of Mercy,
the women’s business class coordinator, meeting #1 at Amazima regarding
property, arranged for our future accountant (Chayah child) to visit them soon
for some motivation and introduction to real world accounting. Met Dr. Charles, a pediatrician to discuss
immunizations, boy part procedures, eye tests and arranged for our oldest
future doctor to spend some days volunteering in his office over the break. Talked to a few store owners about carrying a
special t shirt design the girls will be making later this week.
Found Jude and her bakery and bought two of the most
amazing smelling loaves of bread on record from this 80+ year old Australian woman, then headed for Chayah.
installed a Net-Ball hoop, which is exactly the same as a basketball hoop
without a backboard. There is no
dribbling, and movement is limited to one foot when you have the ball. Guess who played net-ball in college and even
earned a small scholarship? Yep…its her!

We played the matching game a bit.
Books from sponsors were passed out, each with a photo
and personal note and we watched them accept each one with a big smile.
Dann did more guitar teaching,
then played
net ball and accompanied a session of singing and dancing while Janet and I got
the t shirts for sewing ready and made the first two felt animals.
I visited with Jennifer and Agnus as they cooked.
We discovered Yoweri's artistic talent, but aren't sure he chose a great medium :)
The signed soccer balls sent from Reality Ventura's VBS were pumped up and treasured.
We left the house at 5:30 and headed for a meeting back
at the hotel with Janet and the chief probation officer (child protection and
care officer) regarding our children, the necessary care orders and where we
are in the process. It may have been the
best news and conversation we have had concerning the call on our hearts for
Kakira’s vulnerable children, the laws of Uganda and our ability to help more
children in the future. This wonderful
woman has been such an encouragement and help to our house mom and was off work
and out of her office for the exact two weeks we are here, but she drove about
4 hours today to meet with us and will head back to her conference in Kampala
tomorrow. She has a heart the size of …well
huge and a position to really make a difference. We are so so grateful for the chance to meet
with her face to face and have our many questions and concerns answered.
It really was a day filled with every sort of joy and we
are exhausted in the best kind way.
Pictures will have to fill in the blanks, but I doubt you’ll be left
wondering much.
This is so sweet to read! Prayers for all of you!