The internet is waning at all the wrong times. We stand toe to toe every morning and evening and I stare fiercely into its blank face willing it to surrender. I’ve seen the other foreigners at the hotel competing for the same wireless portion and I’m convinced, based on the grey in their hair, that I can keep my lids propped open long after they have surrendered…and yet late night success doesn’t come either. It’s not for lack of trying that it is taking days for the signal to bounce through outer space before being caught by the world wide WEB.
Wednesday we met with the operations director of another ministry based here. He told us many things, confirmed others and convinced us that education was a place that really needed attention. There are so many schools here…quantity but without good quality by Western standards I guess. The secondary school preparing to open for the 2017 school year and just down the road from our new property seems like it will be an entirely different method and standard than most Uganda.
It is exciting to be sure that our own might have an opportunity to attend their school and has gotten us wondering if a primary school on our property could feed into their new secondary school. Is God showing us more of his vision for Chayah Ministries, we wonder. Time and prayer will answer the question for sure.
A search of the Jinja area has confirmed that there is no ink for our printer here. Perhaps our trip through the capitol will be more successful. We visited a dress maker who is holding some uniforms for the kids hostage…for 4 months they have needed zippers…and probably another 50,000shillings and most possibly it is the latter. At this rate the sizes will be in question when they are completed.
Arriving at Chayah to a heaping pile of freshly harvested maize brought all hands on deck to break the hard dry kernels from the cobs. Even the smallest fingers make quick work each piece. The bags will be taken to the grinder soon and turned into flour.
Legos, a Twister game and Spoons captured the attention of our family for several hours this afternoon. Matt worked on the computers and John wrangled more guitar lessons out of Evan or Dann. He is a focused young man, excelling in soccer, guitar and preaching. Most of all he is a leader to the younger ones, gentle, humble and with such strength of character.
Back at the hotel the probation officer (aka: children’s services) from Kakira and a ministry advisor from African Hearts of Kampala both arrived for meetings. It is a trip unlike the others as we soak up the advice and help from those who have long standing experience with caring for at-risk children.
As Chayah has settled in and become solid and stable in the day to day activities of a large family, we get to begin asking the Lord for a long term vision gathering as much information from trusted others and then waiting for God’s nudge into our next step.
He keeps us guessing for sure. We don’t yet have a blue print for the ages, but are grateful he carries us through this current place.
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