except what about Jennifer?
The story of the day I met her looked like this The girl who is blind...
And then...Jennifer...a underweight mother, dim in sight and a baby born out of desperate vulnerable circumstances walking a worn path from well to a customer delivering water in a jeri can atop her head...again and again each day. Expending every calorie she has taken in and more from the day's provision, she cannot even see the failing health of her infant. The malnutrition her baby wears in the tell-tale orange tint of her hair. Neighbors report her inability to clean the child properly, her inability to cook because of the danger of open flame-wood burning cookers. This day made obvious the illness that had set in on this daughter's tiny body.
She looks, in some ways, years older than her own 15 but her thin frame and humble disposition also cloak her with an innocent youthfulness. I will her to be 25 or 30, an age that matches her responsibilities and the fortitude it takes to walk the road she has been born into.
though no birthday is ever celebrated...she is for certain, a young teen...
vulnerable and given to survival that must be renewed each day
This ministry, Chayah, was born of a divine spotlight. I don't know how else to explain it. 2010 presented a room of 250 women, blurred in light of the Redeemer picking out one singe girl, Olivia, then 13 years old and then one woman, Janet, a leader of women and lover of Christ himself.
AND then TWO years later...
2012 brought hundreds of kids and a bulging room of little ones to VBS and the spotlight expanded and grew to 19.
Chayah, a Hebrew word:
"to live, have life, remain alive, sustain life, live prosperously, live for ever, be quickened, be alive, be restored to life or health"
There were so many, 700, 800 the number grew each day as our team of 10 struggled to expand our hearts, supplies and food to accommodate and bless. But divine intervention and clarity expanded our target from one 13 year, old Olivia to 18 more, specifically chosen by the Spirit of God who some how did the impossible, choosing for us, the ones who would be the first.
AND then TWO years later...
2014 brought 7 acres of land to call our own and dreams began to expand...visions we had to navigate and vet according to the call of God and his plans and purpose for us.
2015 brings word about a young girl, blind and pregnant in a village area far from the populated area we had frequented. Far from any place we would ever happen upon, a location found only by purpose and design, one that must be searched for.
who plans and pursues and directs and leads and shines his light like no other, lead us to visit...hours and potholes and hot sticky air, to the place...a tiny place...full of opportunity and hope and purpose.
The "why" of seeking out a nameless blind teenage mother has no earthly answer. If we are seeking another child to minister to, to feed, to cloth to share the gospel with...there were thousands along the way that day, but none that silently called us to stop. Without a face to search for, God's GPS pushed the van's limits for off-roading, even beyond the definition of RURAL.
Baby nestles next to mom each night, sharing a bed on the dirt floor and hoping tomorrow brings at least more of the same meager provision.
A spotlight it seems, has been shined on this pair...but we wait
We are asking for confirmation from our God that this is his "chosen" for Chayah. We do not know for now...we dare not jump ahead of Him...our home has little room and surely no accommodation for blindness by US standards...perhaps God will allow us to rethink what is truly needed for a ministry to love, provide and protect and God help us, bring hope and purpose.
Uganda has little imagination for the blind. Little understanding of their value and of their potential. But God...there are no limits in his vision and we pray to see through his eyes.
Jennifer's baby...needs nutrition, needs formula to supplement for the sake of development and health and strength. For now, we know this is our calling...go back again, see again, ask God to show us more and deeper and possibilities. He will open our hearts wider and we pray he will allow us peace and clarity in our calling to these two.
Please consider donating powdered formula for us to take on Sept 9th, when we head back. You can purchase and drop it off or have Amazon deliver it to 1767 Harper Drive Ventura CA 93004.
It is a life giving and possibly life saving gift. I doubt anyone cares what the brand is. For sake of continuity and ease on the babies tummy, perhaps you want to join in by choosing "Enfamil Gentile Ease" but certainly God can smooth out any variety that comes our way. We thank you for partnering with us in this.
We bless His name for allowing us to be a part and we covet your prayers for clarity about this spotlight...this new one and her baby.
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