Alas, 40 winks or not, the breakfast table brought us together and we prayed for a miracle for the land boundaries. Its complicated and would bore you, but once we rock 'n rolled up the bumpy road and got back to the property, we realized we had just the portion we wanted most, as though God chose for us. What seemed like a disappointing parcel laid out by the surveyor's fresh eyes saw the advantages and beauty of it. Sometimes God changes the circumstances, sometimes he changes our view of them.
The workers worked.
The guys met with the power surveyor.
The builder and I did some high finance out of the back of the van, arranging for more materials to be delivered.
The water needed for the cement is delivered by the water guy, who fills the jeri cans in the swampy stream and pushes the bike back to the site.
They are emptied into a barrel and back he goes...ALL DAY LONG.
Hardcore went in the foundation trenches and delivered like this and then broken up with a sledge hammer. Later in the day, the concrete was poured to make the footings and the first few courses of brick were laid.
The three men stayed waiting for the land surveyor to arrive. He is a thorn in our sides for sure. He lied about the time he left for the 2 hour drive, so from 10:30 on, the guys didn't want to leave the site thinking he'd arrive at any moment. That moment was about 2:30, just about the time our guys met us at Chayah for the 3 year celebration. Their day had been hot, humid, and dusty, but they quickly ate and headed back with a fierce determination to get this thing settled.
The rest of our afternoon was spent thanking God for keeping us through the last 3 years. He has really done amazing things. Today was a day to recognize His faithfulness and thank all of those that had helped us through on the Ugandan side. Local government officials, friends and pastors, family members and friends watched as Chayah's children and staff entertained us with song and dance and monologues.
Moreen said the books of the old testament, Rashid the new. Melisa talked about the women of the Bible and Judith talked about her gratitude to God in a poem. There was much joy and laughter in the celebration. God has given Janet an amazing heart for children and ministry. She continues to carry the biggest part of the responsibility as mother for these 20 children.
We could never do it without her and none of us could ever do it without the Lord.
We said goodbye to all of the visitors, cleaned up Chayah's compound and headed to the hotel. We are so grateful to Jeff & Steve who have joined us this trip. It is difficult and takes an immense amount of patience to be productive here. The language barrier, corruption and the weather are creating more challenges than answers, but knowing this is God's ministry and call on us, keeps everyone motivated to carry on.
Coke zeros were the dinner order this evening after the feast at Chayah's home and everyone turned in early. Our God is faithful and true. We asked Him for a miracle this morning to help us make a decision or make a change when neither seems possible.
He is faithful and true and we are grateful!
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