Saturday, January 12, 2013

Divine Intervention

Saturday Jan 12th...

Whew! Is all I can say. Ah, I begin by know by the length of my posts, that I never get to the end of all I can say. So here goes. We met by the pool this morning, mosquito swatting looking a little like aerobics, but it was quieter for our devotional time. "The vine and the branches" ... good scripture, great examples of how it looks to abide in The Lord, and some pretty amazing application. Janet met us there and we ran through our plans for the first part of the day. The team headed to the house to do some more set up and wait for the beds we have been praying would arrive before the kids. Janet and I hoped on a boda boda, in dresses, sitting side saddle, and headed to the bank to withdraw oh about 20 million shillings. I with I could tell you they use large bills , but I have a dent in my shoulder from carrying a purse full of 20 million in 5000 shlling bills. Ok, not all of it was that small but they handed it to me in a bag that we've seen in cartoon bank robberies, the only thing missing was the huge dollar sign on the outside. I kinda thought that that kind of withdrawl should be accompanied by a free gift, like maybe one of the machine guns that the guards were holding at the doors.

Then we walked and walked. Today was a day to get things done, time has run out on work days before the first children come. We darted in and out of convenience type markets for small rugs, stacking chairs, extra towels. Then purchased a small refrigerator, wardrobe for Janet's room which has no closet. We headed to the food market area to 100 kg of rice, 125kg of posha and a huge bag of beans, some oil for cooking. On the way we came to the carpenter's shop where our beds were supposed to have been finished to check on them. The carpenter Paul was standing talking and smiling. But me, not so much! The beds are not completed, the ones that are at the home, he has not come to assemble, and our dining room table was finished, but not varnished. My patience had run out. So Mr. Paul and I had a little one on one. I tried to tell him that we sacrificed and worked hard in the US to send the money, send it early to have everything ready and that we expected him to do complete his part of the deal. Janet and Solomon stood back just a little, so I figured I was either going to really blow it or they were giving me the room to say what needed to be said. Exactly...I chose the second option and quitely and respectfully told him that we were very disappointed and asked him if he knew Jesus. Ok, call me crazy, but when he smiled and said yes we was saved, I reminded him that his name sake in the Bible was so diligent in serving and his integrity that he became famous in history and that God used him as an example. "Please honor God by finishing well and keeping your word to us."...then I slipped just a little thinking perhaps I am a motivational speaker and I tried to "motivate" him by telling him that there will be many more children needing many more beds, more tables and that we would be needing a carpenter. If he wanted to be the one, he was getting one more chance. He smiled the whole time repeating "I'm sorry" in that tone that says...probably not too sorry. 

When we got in the van, Janet said "You scared him, I could see it on his face!" Ya, well our babies need beds... so diplomacy not my spiritual gift. We did stop by the lumber yard and figured out that we can buy some real quality bowed, rough sawn, 1 x 8's, boards and make shelves in about 3 hours. The kitchen was organized and put away, Janet went to Kakira with Chris to move her things, Bedding was sorted and moved to each room, All of these things are so important, but today the real ministry and miracle took place just outside the gates of Chayah's home. Kristen will take over todays post from here.

Yesterday, we had a few minutes before we were to leave the Chayah home. A few went down to help some kids fetch water from the Nile, while another two went to meet our neighbor across the road. After today we know exactly why God ordained for us to meet our neighbor, His precious child, Caroline. 

Caroline, and her sister, live in an abandoned run down brick room. Yesterday when our girls visited her, they saw she was weak and wheezing. We decided we would make time to take her to the clinic today. Except, we hadn't seen a clinic yet.  So, on our way into the village we kept our eyes peeled and spotted one about 3 miles from our home.  Four of us girls went to visit Caroline today to see how she was feeling and to see if we could take her to see a doctor.  We met their mother and asked if we could help Caroline. She seemed excited and bathed her in the grass and brought her to us at our home when she was ready.

She was smiling and so happy to be going to see a doctor.  Once we arrived at the clinic the nurse checked her and sent us to get blood work done. We waited for about 15 minutes for the results. Malaria “Plus Plus Plus.”  We weren't sure exactly what the plus' were, but Caroline was going downhill fast.  The nurse said it was deep in her body. She became weaker by the minute and seemed so very tired. They put a line in her hand and had to poke her so many times.  Here she was with these white strangers getting poked and she just began to cry so much.  We had her sit on one of our laps while holding her still and quietly humming in her ear. They hooked her up to an IV and she began to vomit a lot.  Soon she was fast asleep and us four girls couldn't take our eyes off of her.  The love of Christ was tangible in this small hospital room shared with others.  Soon after, two girls paid the deposit, about $20, and headed back to the home on boda boda's (motorcycle taxis) to let her mother know she would be there for a couple days.  About an hour later her mother walked in and we had the nurse come explain Caroline’s condition.  Her mom, Judith, seemed concerned and wiped her eyes and said "She is God's. God cares for her." Amen. At that time, the other two of us hopped on boda boda's and headed back to the house.  

Once we got back to the house we asked Janet to explain what the “Plus Plus Plus” after the Malaria meant. She said it is the worst case of Malaria, deep in the body, that without treatment she would soon have brain damage and in a day or two be dead.  

This evening we went back to visit Caroline.  She was still resting and on her IV drip and will have 8 more hours of the drip tomorrow.  I wasn't sure if we would make it back tomorrow when she is discharged so I asked if we could pay early.  The nurse said yes and said it would be 20,000 shillings, which is only about $12 dollars! Making a total of about $32 that was paid. Yes, God and $32 of medication saved this girls life!

 It is no coincidence that God lead Janet to rent this home for her children right across the street from Caroline.  Or that God led our two girls to meet her days before she would have died…or that the clinic had an open bed and was able to treat her.  God loves this precious girl and we are seeing signs and wonders of His Majesty. He is showing Himself again as the Rescuer and Restorer of these beloved Ugandans. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for writing this, and for being so flexible to minister in the "interruptions," not too laser focused on what your original plans were to miss an opportunity like this.
