Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Swappin out the Roberts...Tuesday Jan 26th

Tuesday morning the guys headed for town to look at lumber and steel and other guy-kinda stuff, then met a NEW surveyor and we contracted to start the whole darn process over again.   Out with one Robert #1 and in with Robert #2. 

It’s weird and complicated and frustrating and finally I think we are on the road to being surveyed FOR REAL.  Or possibly not.  It could be faster to take the courses and get a degree in surveying ourselves and do it.

This guy, and his chief advisor are working so hard, climbing the hills, forging through maize fields, checking in on construction, meeting with all kinds of people.  Jeff finds a cell signal and works on the next step.  The open air “office” doesn’t slow him down a bit!  We are so grateful for both him and Steve.

We left the site and went to the house for some fun.  Olivia and Melisa had been put in charge of cooking lunch, but the rest of us started bending and gluing wire to canvas rectangles.  

Kristen and the kids did some origami kind of things, others attempted balloon animals, there might have been a mini water balloon toss out front and we ended the day with a walk to the Nile for swimming.   

Dann hung back to do some maintenance on the van and work on a broken shelf in the kitchen.  Jennifer our cook was so happy to see him this week and has been feeding us very well.  Today the cat was out of the bag…she needed her shelf fixed.  She is delightful any day of the week.  She is exuberant, loves to dance and will cheer on our kids at the slightest opportunity.  She is wildly entertaining to all of us.

As we hiked down the half mile trail to the river, Janet purchased fresh tilapia from a fisherman just coming up and we stood as “life guards” through the squeals, laughter and splashing session.  

We packed up and headed to town to pick up the newly welded rack for the van, bought some screws and landed back at the hotel.
Hot and tired once again…but thankful for the things that are falling into place and grateful just the same as we wait on the Lord for others.  

( pictures will upload!

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