Everybody got at least one new article of clothing and the vitamins and toothpaste were restocked. Kristen taught the young ones the beginning of the 23rd Psalm, Evan did a character study on Noah and I began with the oldest girls and Janet teaching about Ruth, focusing on life choices and leaving behind people, places and habits in favor of Jesus.
During planting season prices are high, sometimes 150% of the harvest time prices. Its planting season now, so everything is more expensive. When we saw the price, about $100 for a months supply of rice, Janet explained to me that it is the favorite of the children and they ask for it every day. She wondered aloud if we thought she was too extravagant to serve it so often. It's more difficult to answer than you'd think. Its important to keep a US mindset and a Uganda perspective in balance. My first thought was something like, "Rice feeding 22 people for a month at $100?... I am so glad you've not seen our dog food aisle at Vons" But that is not the lens she sees her choices through and runs her budget on. I could learn so much by walking in her shoes and trying on her glasses for a while.
Everything is sold in metric measurements, so I can only tell you that there were some pretty huge bags of sugar, flour and rice in and on top of the van. We also went to the outdoor market today to purchase recycled sweatshirts for all of the kids. Now that the weather has cooled down to a chilly 75 degrees, its time to bundle up I guess.
Kristen went to the "grocery" type store and found some baking necessities and when we spotted a wheelbarrow of fresh pineapple she decided that tomorrow's baking will be an upside down cake. We're planning our first crock pot meal and some early morning pancakes on Saturday.
We have planned to take the Chayah family swimming while we are here. Now this is a little tricky since their mama, is "very fearing" of being in the water. I have been teasing her quite a bit about it. Today on the way home from the market she reminded me that she had planned to teach me to prepare a chicken. Now this wouldn't be a big deal except that she means from the cage at the market to the table. Yep! Everything you are thinking... neck things, feather stuff, some carving etc... Oh my word!
So I said the first that came into my mind "if you get in the pool, I'll do the chicken thing". Now we know that "we have not been given a spirit of fear", but I'm telling you that we are both scared to death the other one is going do the thing. Really, God knows what he's doing when he instructs us to be "quick to listen, slow to speak"... I ALWAYS get that WRONG! But now that it is said I guess we'll see. Stay tuned, swimming will come first and I promise you as much as I'd like to call her a chicken if she doesn't get in, I'm going to keep my squawking to myself this time and thank The Lord for his intervention. But if she decides to go in...well a deal is a deal...maybe.
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