Nothing ever really goes the way we plan it, but not necessarily in a bad way. Today was a big unknown and still tonight we don't know if we really had any impact, but it was a day that began with prayer and asking that we see the best way to minister at the hospital.
Kristen and I set out for the children's hospital, visited a few beds and were asked for our papers...?? We had already spent time praying with the children with HIV who were treated in a separate ward. But now we were instructed to go down the road to the main hospital and hand over a letter for the head administrator to approve, stamp and then we could return in the afternoon. In the hours in between we asked Sharon what she thought we could do for the patients. She warned us that giving money for medication etc... directly to the hospital should be considered in light of corruption and that we could probably best be helpful by bringing laundry soap and sugar for each patient's family. The children who are admitted are given papaya juice with sugar added, and bed sheets and clothing are washed right there on the grounds outside, all by their parents. Many bring the children there not knowing ahead of time that they will be admitted, so are unprepared.
Sugar, soap, a smile and prayer is all we had to offer today. God will do the rest and for his glory he'll determine the healing. Its always a challenge to understand the very few days some children are given. Accepting that it is God alone who knows and his will is always right and good, causes a wrestling match in us that is magnified by the grief we witnessed today. But ours is not a circumstantial faith... it is a hope in things not seen and a decision to believe the truth that it makes sense in God's sovereign plan, and His is the only one that matters.
I don't know if sugar or soap made one bit of difference today, but I do know that God is still good and loving and in His mercy He has given us one more day that we do not deserve, vision that is not as the world sees and love that is beyond what we ever imagined. If one ounce of that kind of God landed on even one tiny child or one suffering mother, we are grateful and humbled to be allowed the few moments we had together with them. Thank you for praying us through today, we needed it so.
I cried today for a child that I never even met. Thank you for your posts and your work.