They’re here! Jan 12, 2014
A sleepy-eyed group of faithfuls and 34 pieces of luggage arrived at the hotel about 2:30am. The staff gave extra attention to their arrival by preparing small pieces of cake and hot tea for them. We have never before had that special treatment and truth be told, they probably wanted a bathroom and a bed before anything else, but the effort was kind and everyone spent a few minutes stretching their legs and enjoying their post-midnight snack.
With more than 100lbs a piece and no elevator, while were gathering over confections, the staff carried all of the bags up two flights of stairs to their proper rooms. A few announcements about the morning’s plan and everyone crept away and were fast asleep for about 4-5 hours depending on their excitement level.
We met for breakfast which included fried chicken gizzards as one choice in the buffet and a quick walk of the hotel compound and then we met for devotion time and instructions.
Chris and the oversized van arrived right on time and we were off to Kakira for church.

We had lunch in town complete with cold soft drinks and a bathroom with very specific instructions about flushing, never mind that there was no toilet bowl, just a tank hung about 7 feet up putting the handle out of reach and leaving me searching for anything remotely logical.
Three of the group tried to order fish & chips, but with the fish filet unavailable, why not just go ahead and order the whole fish?
chicken and cow peas adorned the other plates with no shortage of
admiration for the one who can eat something that still has a eyeball
looking at you.
By the end of lunch, some fatigue from the travel and short night started to settle in so we headed back to the hotel for a couple of hours of rest. On the way to pick us up to head to Chayah, Chris called to say that a tire had a flat and he’d be late. When he arrived, the dually designed coach was minus one rear tire. Where there were two on each side, now one side only had the inner tire, not the outer. Oh well, when in Uganda…
When we turned the last corner we could hear the kids squealing and cheering. The gate quickly opened and we were greeted with waving and a welcome song. Very soon Janet gave a tour and the carpenters surveyed their projects. We spent an hour or so sitting on the porch getting acquainted and chatting about nothing in particular and but enjoying our time so much. Having visitors, including one smallish blonde boy running circles around the compound at the happy reunion, seemed to be what they had been anticipating and a wonderful introduction was had by all.
Our 7pm dinner and discussion began enthusiastically, but full bellies and jet lag quickly took its toll and we adjourned for the night. Things will begin to rev up in the morning. Two days of evangelism ministry and three days of VBS! I don’t know how it’s 11pm here already, but the time today has been sweet. Praising God for his goodness and allowing us to serve here.
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