Welcome Home! Jan 5, 2014
My wet head finally hit the pillow about 4am after a shower and an expensive text message to assuage one particular man who was like a dog-on-point until I was safely locked inside my hotel room. My last thoughts were soaked in exhaustion and included a decision to forego church this morning and just sleep in. When the phone rang at 9am and I heard the voice on the other end asking if I was ready to be picked up I didn’t even hesitate it’s Uganda after all where every Sunday service makes me feel like I just met JESUS again!
There was no creeping into the back of the tiny school room used for church but the service had already started and I could hear very distinct voices as soon as the van door opened. Shalom choir (Chayah’s older children) led praise and worship, John led prayer, Olivia translated and one of my favorite Pastors taught about prayer, preparing our hearts and “entering his courts with thanksgiving and praise”. With the last Amen, there was a raucous greeting followed by the repeating of two simple words…”Where’s Micah?”. Yep kids are kids and like cousins or even better, they anticipate his visits. For this first week though, until the contrast is obvious, I will see their affections for me as genuine and grand.
We survived the very short ride home and passing through the gate I heard what captures the sense of today…”Welcome Home, Mommy Jod”.
Janet and I settled in for some catching up and planning for the week ahead. “Big” Sharon, our first university student was packing to head back for the second semester and had more help than she could really use.
Her temperament has always been gracious, especially with younger ones, so a parade of helpers carried her bags etc… to the boda boda that would take her to the bus station.

I felt completely vindicated when Janet reported that when Sharon left the first time last August everyone was crying, even the cooks, Mary & Jennifer.
If the otherwise stoic Ugandan women, who did not make one single “Creative Memories” album for her and knew her for a mere 8 months, then I believe the tears shed on long car rides home in our mini-van, were more than justified and that’s all I can say about that or it might just start all over again now.

Janet and I spent another hour catching up, kids running in and out, dinner being prepared when my intuitive friend suggested I come back to the hotel to rest. Only for the sake of gearing up for the weeks ahead, did I agree. I’ll throw this blog up and call it a night. Tomorrow I go in search of a cookie sheet. When cooking is done over charcoal stoves, it might be like finding a needle in a haystack, but there are sugar cookies on our calendar this week, so perhaps God will make it easier than I anticipate.
Eleven more will join me next weekend. Today they are packing every bit of the donations you have been so generous to provide...50 lbs at a time. Pray for them if you think of it as the week leading up to a trip like this can sometimes go sideways with doubt, fear, complications or sickness. Until tomorrow...
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