But for today, I will carry those quiet moments on the continent of Africa, tucked away for future reminders of our shared love of Uganda and the people we get to bring along on these trips.
We gathered for breakfast, changed for church and waited for our ride. We had a bumpy 20 minute bus ride to the Miracle Church where we were greeted and welcomed by the 60 some people attending. We were given seats of honor at the front. Praise and worship began and then Evan was introduced as today's teacher.
Yesterday, my man made me proud as he single-handily took on the entire military of Uganda, using his special diplomacy skills to free one of our own...ok, well that's the way I remember it...but you may want to refer to yesterday's post if you want the factual version. It's not nearly as romantic, but if you are into accuracy and stuff...be my guest.
Today my son-in-law made us all proud as he delivered this morning's message alongside his translator and our friend Llutaya.

Philemon and Onesimous and grace and redemption...the stuff that grants us freedom from the debt our sin produces and the ability to see others differently. Shame conquered and adoption by God, turns slaves into sons and daughters of the King of Kings! It was a reminder that we are all the same, all a mess of sin and all need a savior.
We left church and had lunch with Llutaya and his darling wife and two little ones. It was a long table, and we weren't close enough to hear exactly what was going and being said. Facial expressions and laughter was evidence enough that the next generation was crossing cultural boundaries and finding much in common with this man's ministry and heart for the children of Uganda. It was a joy-filled afternoon and the closest thing to American food we've ever had in Uganda.
Back at the hotel, Janet and I packed our things into the van, said our goodbyes and got on the road back to Jinja. The rest of the team will fly out tomorrow afternoon, landing in the US on Tuesday afternoon, that is assuming I left them enough shillings to pay the hotel bill. I miss them, but with the events planned for next week, the busyness will just have to overtake my missing them. For tonight, I'm tucked into my room, African Tea on the table and the next 18 hours or so, I'll be resting up for the week ahead.
Thank you for praying for us...if you have a minute, I would ask you to pray for a fruitful time this week..more relational time with Janet and the ability to change gears now. Sponsors, I promise this week you'll more photos of the kids you love! Unless of course, its too close to a bridge and there is no one to pay my ransom :)
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