Friday, August 7, 2015

Day 8...our last with Chayah Children

It is late tonight, the last with our team before we head to Kampala at 7am to check into another hotel there and then get ready for the wedding.  

Evan finished up some music recording this morning, we did our employee reviews, tried to fashion a water balloon launcher, played capture the flag and Janet went to school to pick up reports on each students performance this term.  She was so excited when she returned home to have heard that everyone was improving.  Their improving English language skills and getting used to the classroom setting has finally begun to help them catch up and many are placing in the top 20% of their class...some higher.  Judith continues to be #2 in her class.

We have "last day" traditions.  Field games in the morning and swimming followed by ice cream in the afternoon.  It was a day full of squeals and laughter, grins and "swimming costumes".  I believe the pictures say it best...and since I'm up later than another living soul in the hotel...I might have enough internet to get this posted. 
About four rounds of water balloon tossing is a must!

Preciously precocious, Doreen
Jessica dumps water on Melissa and it looks like we could use a new "sleeping slide"

Elton makes a splash with the rest of the gang!

Classic Uncle Evans!            


The parting dance party! L-R front row Jonathan, Rashid, Sharon.  Middle Kwagala and Melisa  Back row Jesca & Judith
The kiddie pool!

Doreen, Shakira & Elijah with Micah
Goodbyes were really hard for this sweet boy!
Chris spoke a blessing over each at a time...specific and filled with love.
No caption needed...

They finished strong and nobody will forget Chayah Mission Trip 2015

Final moment "traditional run after the van" once we say goodbye and it drives away packed to the gills with children and a piece of our hearts.

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