Each group presented their song and dance and Sharon shared a message today about righteousness. We were encouraged in the truth of it.
In the hour between the service and lunch we dug out a city-printed car mat that gave way to lots of traffic jams and familiar vroom-vroom sounds. Little cars and plastic people moved their way between the 8 or 9 small bodies that were crowded around.
We met with a young woman who would like to work for us. Its a challenging time in that way. Building staff to prepare for growth yet not sure when we'll have the room for another or larger family. She expressed a common willingness to leave her young daughter if need be, to live at Chayah. Its difficult to understand and impossible for us to plan that way. It would be a day position or a place for both of them. I cannot imagine being prepared to leave my children in order to provide for them. At the same time, we understand how few options there are here as the unemployment rate stretches towards 80%.

A deck of cards and some spoons drew others to the table for games.

Branden took the hint that the youngest two boys love to wrestle and made a couple of new best friends or at least mat-mates!

Evan met with Pastor Roman and made plans for Tuesday when we head out early to Tororo for a one day conference. We had planned for a day of visiting and evangelism, but instead we have been asked to help teach three groups...men, women and teens. Kristen has agreed to organize us in some sort of skit to present, a powerful tool here, but out of the comfort zone of most of us. I suppose that is part of the surrender and serving. Its not that we are unfamiliar with drama, its just that normally we don't plan it! Gifted or not, we'll make an attempt and pray God uses our efforts.
We headed back to the hotel and Dann and I stayed to sort through the suitcases we brought to prepare for our projects this week with the kids. The rest of the group ventured out to the 'Source of the Nile" for an afternoon boat ride, grateful for a cooler afternoon.
Tomorrow we are back at Chayah for the day, then stopping by C.O.M home's new property to see their progress as they prepare to build. We are hoping Solomon, a friend and Ugandan board member, will join us for dinner and to share his life story. Rescued and raised as an orphan...he prepares for his wedding this Saturday! As God would write the story...he is marrying the daughter of a tribal King... an orphan marries royalty and he couldn't be more nervous or excited!
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