Monday, January 26, 2015

All the way my Savior leads me.....

"All the way my savior leads me
Oh the fullness of his love
All the sureness of his promise
In the triumphant of his blood
When my spirit clothed immortal
Wings it's flight to realms of day
This is my song through endless ages
Jesus led me all the way….
Jesus led me all the way…
You lead me and keep my from falling
You carry me close to your heart
And surely your goodness and mercy will follow me
You lead me and keep my from falling
You carry me close to your heart
And surely your goodness and mercy will follow me"

I just could not stay stuck in that  chair no matter how lovely…I should have known better than anyone that I am not cage able…period.  

I did spend the evening listening to a really great playlist of music followed by a full night of sleep…fitful though it was and colorful with dreams my mosquito net and I got along far better than I expected and I believe I won another night’s battle with the pests.

After coffee and a few hours this morning, my to-do thoughts propelled me out the door and Chris and I were off to investigate other options for our accommodations when we travel this way.  It was interesting, but I was not able to find another option for the present.  I would miss the people here, but budgets are budgets and if ministry money is better spent or saved by another motel we needed to know.  Silly details I know…

I also visited the secondary (high school) were the older ones attend and discussed the pros and cons of a few options for them.  Fact gathering, watching out for their best interests and trusting God’s leading for each one.

Chris dropped me off at Chayah and after the 3 day absence, it was sweet to see smiles and get hugs again.  After a cup of chai syrup that they call tea, we commenced with painting the Popsicle stick projects they built last week.   AND THEN…

The fruits of their studying English words since August were tested.  We made them a deal that if 6 of the littlest could name the 38 objects on the 3x5 cards and get 100%, they’d receive one pint sized bicycle to share.  Eleven gave it their best shots and most got at least 36…but the hooting and hollering that ensued when the sixth said the last word was probably heard on your side of the universe.  Never let it be said that bribery is a lost art!

The older ones were given the same opportunity, except with their multiplication tables.  Never let it be said that bribery works on everyone because I believe they scored a big fat goose egg.  I gave them my best motivational speech and shared all the tricks I knew hoping to inspire them for next time.  Do you know that they tried to get me to ask them in order…like I was going down a list?  Because they can repeat the answers in order for all 12 lists…but seriously, I may be an old dog, but I’m not that gullible.

The older girls and I talked while I started cutting out felt for a project for another day.  The rest pulled out the legos and after lunch spent at least two hours huddled around them making every kind of vehicle and building and whatcha-macallit.  

Janet and I headed out to see two more hotels close by and she dropped me off at the hotel for a dinner meeting with one of our local board members.  He was so gracious to answer my every question on half a dozen topics and advise me on all things land, school, accountability, exit plan related.  Raised in an orphanage and now running one, he gets it from the inside out which is beyond valuable to us.

God is working all things together.  Not without some bumps in the road, not without some frustration, not without a huge dose of patience and grace from those we serve, but He will be glorified in the lives of those he redeems, even if it means there are some disappointments and failures along the way.

Especially if falling in the ditch is temporary and a family can reach out and offer a hand of faith.  I’ve needed it several times lately for sure…best intentions aren’t always best but we keep and trust the one who is trustworthy.  "All the way my Savior leads me"

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